Finding Legal Help When Things Go Wrong

Even though we've just said that you don't actually have to pay an accident claim solicitor for services and that no-one would use their insurer's appointed solicitor to sue the insurance company - there is a side to legal assistance cover provided by insurers that might actually be useful. Again, not many people bother to read what's actually included or even check when stuff comes up. But for most policies the included legal assistance will cover non-car related matters as well such as home insurance claims, family law, business disputes and more. There will obviously be limits but make sure to read up and check just in case. They'll be betting on most people not noticing, as I'm sure that if everyone in the UK starting phoning up for free legal help every time they needed it - the insurer/solicitor would go bust pretty quick:

Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.

Youngs Solicitors - Young & Co Solicitors Ltd in Longton (Stoke on Trent): Each individual office they manage has kept a local, recognisable name with their own website and case range. So any firm that still works with Legal Aid gets a few extra brownie points from us . At the time we checked, they were clickable images rather than live counters -...

ULA Solicitors Ltd - Law Firm in London: A quick note on navigation. The official site we link to above is with not currently redirecting you there. The main concept that stood out to us was that the firm certainly lives up to it's claims about not shying away fro...

Trust Inheritance Ltd Wills, Probate & Estate Planning in Weston-Super-Mare: Related domains such as or the do not currently exist. We do ou checks just as much as you should before moving forward with a company. Certainly when we tried various search phrases several related companies showed up in the results includ...

Trojan Solicitors Ltd Immigration & Family Law in London: As mentioned before - when it comes to Immigration these days it's probably a very good idea to make sure your lawyer is a specialist. Millions and millions have been lost worldwide by https: money 2021 jan 02 homebuyers-scams-stamp-duty-holiday-" pe...

The Legal Practice Ltd - Solicitors in Rickmansworth & Wembley Park, Greater London: The majority will have a huge chunk of negative comments. If you type those three words into a search engine, the correct firm does come up top . Reading negative reviews may not always put someone off using a firm unless there is a clear theme. In our opinion the only 'yea...

The Injury Solicitor Ltd - Road Accident Claims in Salford, Manchester: The Injury Solicitor is a genuine law firm with a qualified solicitor . 100% compensation guaranteed, on the other hand, promises no part of you compensation will be taken. But several things stood out to us which we thought we would share. A last word from The Inju...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd - Solicitors in Leeds & Levenshulme (Manchester): The official site we link to above is but does not redirect you there. It's not the age of the firm that's important, but the experience levels of the staff. class="infoquote "Emails have been sent misusing the name and contac...

Stowe Family Law - Divorce Solicitors in Harrogate, York, Beverley & Other Locations: So how can you tell the difference between firms if they all say they have experience and expertise? Luckily Stowe Family Law are listed on the website of The Law Society of England & Wales. You have to search for your specific local office to see reviews about it only. ...

Rose Fendlen Law - Solicitors in Wigan (Formerly LRose Law): Because the actions needed for each of the case titles quoted can follow the same general direction and court proceedings if necessary. Just always make sure you know exactly which site you are on, which email addresses you are responding to, and we recommend putting full na...

Stenfield Ltd Solicitors in Norwich & Harrow on the Hill, London: For the past few years https: alert fraudsters-hacking-into-emails-to-divert-house-purchase-payments" thousands of people have handed over millions of pounds< a> to scammers during property sales purchases. class="infoquote "83% of new clie...

Springle & Co Solicitors Estate Planning Wills & Probate in North Shields, Tyne and Wear: class="infoquote "Our fees are fully transparent from the outset." < div> Last note of something that stood out to us. Springle and Company have a page on their site https: our-fees " listing itemised fees< a>. An estate planner needs to kn...

Smith and Graham Solicitors in Hartlepool, Peterlee and Middlesbrough: The number of large multi-office firms only seems to increase due to some smaller businesses merging to survive the difficult years we've had. The first is the expertise of the staff, and more importantly - their experience. There is no ampersand in domain names so www.smith...

Simper Law Ltd - Solicitors in Norwich & Great Yarmouth: You'll also be shown the qualification dates and specific case expertise of each solicitor within the firm. It also has a few quirks that will allow us to discuss important things to pay attention to when researching the best firm for your specific needs. The most comm...

The Search Bureau from Premier Searches Ltd - UK Conveyancing Search Provider: But it's surely a fair one. It probably doesn't occur to employees of a firm to jump on the web to write a review about a service their company uses. That's not the sole basis for us promoting The Search Bureau across our network (check the https: co...

Robin Somerville Direct Access Barrister & Mediator in Barnet, Greater London: Some are not Direct Access qualified and whilst they will talk to you about your case - they will then tell you of local solicitors you need to hire first in order for them to then hire that barrister to deal with your case. However barristers are regulated by the Bar Stand...

Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors in Hackney: The https: " Cycling Solicitors< a> website mentioned above is the same firm, just showcasing their extra interest in cycling related injury claims . It's very common. Conditional fee still means that if your case loses you pay nothing , but if you...

Richmond Legal Ltd Solicitors in Middleton, Manchester: Therefore any legal professional still willing to help clients apply and then work under those provisions will always get some respect from us . Over the past two decades the number of law firms willing to work for the drastically reduced pay that Legal Aid provides has dwi...

Reid Black Solicitors Ltd in Belfast, Antrim & Ballyclare: But for now, if you https: office 508489 reid-black-solicitors-limited" take a look at the page< a> for this firm on The Law Society of England & Wales' website you'll see contact details, areas of practice , links to staff information, quali...

RD Costings Ltd - Criminal Injury Claims based in Portishead: This is a costs drafting firm aimed at lawyers themselves. Lastly, when you search for the "rd costings" name on a search engine there is a company website at for a different firm. The majority of possible variants we mentioned (e.g. RDCostings don't have...

Pump Court Chambers Direct Access Barristers in London, Swindon & Winchester: Huge numbers of them state they provide their services 'nationally' in the hope of getting as many clients as possible. They have offices in London, Swindon, and Winchester covering a wide range of case types and a wealth of resources behind them. A real established and re...

Penerley Commercial Lawyers in Islington, London: The quote above is from the website of a Commercial Law specialist called Penerley , based in Islington. class="infoquote "At Penerley we are committed to providing the best possible level of service to our clients."< div>. The official site we link to above is...

Pacific Law Estate Planning Solicitors in Manchester: However we have worked with some of the key players in the past. 0800 numbers should now be free from every mobile service provider in the UK. We've also seen dozens of negative reviews followed by comments from the firm stating 'this person has never been a client of ours...

OTS Solicitors Ltd Immigration & Family Law in London, UK: We did so and there were dozens including an article where they https: library detail.aspx?g=26e9e58d-0c20-4624-959e-a0a5ab25cf5b" offered advice regarding international adoptions< a> and one where the increasingly concerning issue of

OneLaw Chambers - Solicitors, Barristers & Advocates in London: class="infoquote "ONELAW CHAMBERS will respond to your calls and e-mails promptly."< div> A quick note on navigation to ensure you get through to and always revisit the correct firm. So how do One Law's barristers fare on those: class="infoquote "great comm...

My Law Matters from Fentimans - Solicitors in Wolverhampton, Manchester, Solihull & Waltham Cross: This can be to highlight a particular case type as a specialty or simply to create a more national branding if their original name is something very local. class="infoquote "our team have years of experience and offer a wide range of legal services"< div> A qu...

Milners Law LLP Solicitors in Leeds, Harrogate & Pontefract: Now, through Milners, you can get your hands on all this legal expertise for a sensible price."< div> The information provided on the law society site certainly bears out their claims of extensive experience. That's why we recommend bookmarking the correct site because ...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors in Bargoed & Tredomen, Wales: The majority are positive and most related to property matters. One of the best resources for estimating the experience levels of the actual solicitors at a firm is their local law society. We've seen people leave negative reviews for a Criminal Law firm refusing to ...

MGBe Legal Immigration Lawyers in London: Always be aware of what site you're on though and never discuss payments via email or if someone calls you up. The application has been successful approved in just 10 days!"< div> A quick note on general navigation while we're on the subject. Author of numerous articl...

Mckie Legal Solicitors in Penrith & St Helens (ConnectMeToaLawyer Ltd): Knowing the correct name for a firm is also useful when background checking about them as that will be the name registered with organisations and government agencies. The first means no fees if your case loses. We have seen losing sides leave negative reviews about the ...

McEwan Fraser Legal Property Conveyancing in Edinburgh, Aberdeen & Inverness: However, one of the properties showed a possible selling margin of £60,000 difference between a high and low estimate. They have over 500+ reviews on Google at the time of writing this but still over a 4 star rating. class="infoquote "Use our Instant Property Valuation...

Mason Bullock CCJ & Employment Solicitors in Coventry: One of the solicitors retired in 2018 and the firm had to be restarted. Scammers are getting millions from people every year by pretending to be the person's solicitor. To make sure you don't think we fast-tracked even just this one firm we'd like to share some of the thin...

Mackenzie Jones Solicitors in St Asaph, Menai Bridge & Chester: 'mackenzie jones solicitors chester' . and recommendations"< div> A quick note on navigation as the firm uses a shortened version for the web address. There aren't always plentiful reviews about companies that work in the legal industry, but you should never take a lac...

Lindsays Solicitors Offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow & Dundee: By that we mean there are many websites out there set up to look as though they are a legitimate personal injury or conveyancing firm - when in reality they are a front for case resellers. But for now remember never to discuss payments or bank details by email and even if ...

Levins Solicitors in Huyton, Liverpool: At a 200-year-old firm you may get a 1-year qualified solicitor acting for you. They provide a huge amount of data user-side for consumers and businesses. I would not be here today writing this review" "reassured me and helped me understand everything from start to fini...

Lefevres Law Firm - Litigation Solicitors in Edinburgh, Glasgow & Aberdeen: Sadly in Scotland the Law Society website covering legal professionals is not as good as their English Welsh counterpart. For example, Lefevres are listed in the Legal Aid board database. That can make it hard to distinguish the parts that stand out or things that...

KRS Estate Planning Ltd - Will & Probate Advice in Leicester: As the firm we're talking about here deals exclusively in Estate Planning matters , this isn't as much of a concern. where the majority are all like this and very positive . If you're a thorough background checker (and we're acutely aware that many of you are) you'll...

Khan Law - Raees Khan Personal Injury Solicitor in Glasgow: The official site we link to above is with showing information for a completely different firm in the US. Even the individual bits about solicitors at a firm only pop up as comment boxes (and not very well on mobile devices). Sometimes based...

JPS Walker Solicitors Ltd in Manchester: You can find alternate trading names used, all office locations, languages spoken within the firm, case specialties, and even the qualification dates of solicitors at each firm. This competition has really benefited clients in ensuring firms really buckle down and excel in a...

Jacobs Law Solicitors: The largest property firm in England Wales currently has a rating of just under 3 stars on Google with over 1,000 reviews. But it's not. What we do offer that's quite unique ( and hopefully therefore quite helpful amongst a sea of online commentary) is our experience a...

Howe + Co Solicitors in Brentford, London: So it's always best to actually read the comments themselves and company responses if available rather than just flicking through star ratings. Luckily there are many resources available on the web for some independent backchecks and information. The official website ...

HooperHyde Business Law Solicitors in Solihull: It's very common. Confirming the experience level of the actual lawyer you'll be dealing with is something most people find most useful. If you've used our site to look up or read about legal service providers before, you'll know that we don't cram in thousands of firms like...

Hill House Chambers - Barristers Based in London: We ran a poll a few years back and the number of people that trusted company provided customer testimonials wasn't even in the double digits. Why it took so long to make this available to the public in the UK - who knows. they are qualified to ... A chambers is more like a c...

Hawkridge & Company - Hawk Law Solicitors in Gillingham, Medway: It could have been for logo design, which really doesn't help in estimating the quality of their legal services. One thing people do comment on readily though when it comes to legal services - is property matters. So what should you look out for? One thing that ...

Fulton's Solicitors & Estate Agents in Clarkston & Mount Florida, Glasgow: Those few extra case types and the conveyancing make up the firm's full case range. But if a firm states 'we have thirty years of combined experience within the firm' - that could mean ten members of staff with just three years of experience each. Many low ratings can simply...

Frazer Coogans Ltd - Solicitors in Ayr, Prestwick & Glasgow: So if the following article seems a little bias - that doesn't mean we haven't put Frazer Coogans through the regular checks first before coming to our conclusion that they're a decent group of people. class="infoquote "went the extra mile to extract all the informati...

Fair Result Ltd Divorce Settlement Mediation Services in Leicester: But maybe it's a very, very convincing fraudulent email lacking the usual African General hallmarks. This gives you our undivided attention."< div>. So there is a massive difference between a firm saying they are 'one of the leading firms' versus something actually specific ...

Education Law Service Ltd - Special Educational Needs Lawyer in London: A specialist like the Education Law Service that does such cases day in, day out (again, just like specialists for other legal matters) will likely cover a much wider range of work within that area of law. It's just that people are much more likely to jump online to ran...

Dylan Nair Solicitors Ltd in Preston, Lancashire: Don't despair. A quick note on navigation. The main points people most want to see are typically a photo, case specialties, and relevant work history. If a solicitor doesn't have a profile on their website. Although the branding name used is quite unique and the ...

DV Solicitors (Deo Volente Legal LLP) Law Firm in Bedford & Luton: For example in tax HMRC matters you may save a lot of time and money by using an accountant rather than a law firm if your type of case allows such. Most people (according to our poll a couple of years ago) don't trust company testimonial pages. One last snippet from ... - Housing Disrepair Claims Company based in Brighouse, West Yorkshire: To fix those missing floor boards. So whilst we still are not keen on the whole CMC thing as a general rule, in this instance using a company like may be the only available option for many. If a firm is regulated properly then they will state so along ...

David Stinson & Co Personal Injury Solicitors in Aylesford, Kent: On the David Stinson & Co website there is https: testimonials" a page marked 'Testimonials'< a> but there aren't any actual reviews on the page. class="infoquote "We work on road accident claims and workplace accident claims among othe...

Cooks Solicitors in Newcastle under Lyme & Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire: Newcastle RTB team where [sic] a nightmare to deal with and he managed them so well." "always kept me updated on what was going on and explained things" "i used nigel cook recentley [sic] ... People

Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd in Southampton, Liverpool & Havant: For a start there are hardly any law firms left willing to work under Legal Aid. Well two years later I've been paroled and am shortly due to go out ..."< div> There are often statements and words that give you a general 'feel' about a firm - such as on this occasi...

CEL Solicitors in Liverpool - Housing Disrepair, Knotweed, & Data Breach Claims: The article we wrote yesterday was about a firm that had a negative review because the person felt the firm's office was a little 'hard to find'. The logos of each publication are there, but we couldn't see any links to click and confirm what it meant. That's because legal p...

Catteralls Solicitors in Wakefield: That's great. The official site we link to above is but note that does not redirect you there. You'll note that they have solicitors that have qualified in every decade from the past 40 years including Philip Lisle who qualified in ...

QualitySolicitors Burton & Co in Lincoln & Sleaford: With all this going for them, it was therefore strange to see the firm having an absolutely huge amount of negative reviews on the regular boards such as https: search?q=qualitysolicitors+burton+%26+co&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=QualitySolicitors+B...

Brown & Co Solicitors in Greenwich, London: The full official website is with redirecting you there. Does this translate into happy clients? For this we always turn to the public boards like https: search?q=brown+and+co+solicitors+lond...

Branch Austin McCormick LLP Solicitors in Mayfair, London: So how can you tell if a firm has specialist or jack-of-all solicitors? class="infoquote "Our team has extensive experience in working with commercial clients both in the UK and internationally."< div> Luckily this firm is registered with The Law Society of Eng...

BLZ Solicitors NIHL, PPI & Immigration Lawyers in Stockport: So if they take a few shortcuts in the marketing department - that's perfectly fine. Not spending hours re-writing their website content. A switch of sides from a solicitor is not something to be taken lightly and should really mark as a big plus when comparing servic...

Bilkus and Boyle Solicitors & Estate Agents in Glasgow: Whilst the firm's name is unique there are obviously quite a few possible typos. This could be a national one, county based, or city wide for larger population cities. It says 'established' without the exaggeration. Quite often it's the fault of the buyer seller or the other...

Bell Lax Ltd - Solicitors in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham: There were several other things about Bell Lax Solicitors we saw as positive or just plain interesting that made them stand out a bit more in our minds. If you check out the page for this firm you'll see a range of experienced staff covering almost all of the last thre...

Beers LLP - Solicitors in Kingsbridge & Plymouth, Devon: So how do Beers' solicitors fair in the public forums? class="infoquote "the whole team have been lovely and very helpful throughout our house purchase" "Efficient, straightforward and good value" "prompt friendly and reliable" "kept us updated throughou...

Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services in Whitley Bay, Newcastle: But this shouldn't pose a huge amount of risk anyway due to the area of law they deal in. Mostly due to having recieved an email that looked official telling them to change over and send the house deposit money to a totally different bank account. Other benefits o...

Argue & Co Legal - Allan Argue Personal Injury Solicitor in Glasgow: class="infoquote "We offer a FREE initial consultation"< div> Again, free consultations are something we would absolutely expect any law firm to offer these days for these types of cases. However it's easy to imagine getting lost in the numbers at a large firm as...

Antony Hodari Solicitors Housing Disrepair Specialists in Manchester: . When it comes to legal firms we absolutely recommend reading reviews rather than flicking through star ratings alone. The firm we covered yesterday were very explicit about how their divorce experiences had led them to create their alternative mediation service. We've be...

Aconveyancing Ltd in Tamworth & Shirley (Solihull): We also provide a fixed fee quotation, to help plan your finances from an early stage."< div> It's absolutely true that both of these are very important for clients seeking a conveyancer. Certainly the firm's expertise has been called upon by several news outlets...

ABS Lawyers Ltd Solicitors in Corby & Maghull, Liverpool: (You get the idea.) Therefore if you see lower number such as 'combined experience of 10 years' - that's not a good sign. If not, try searching for a more local law society such as at the county or city level. None of the other such organisations we've seen so far have had t...

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